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Traps N' Gemstones Download For Pc [hack]


Updated: Mar 18, 2020

About This Game A "Metroidvania"-style platform adventure, with inspiration going all the way back to SNES and 8-bit classics.Traps n' Gemstones is a modern take on exploration-based, backtracking platformers, loaded with hidden chambers to uncover, artifacts to find, weapons to use and items to combine.THE PLOTPrecious relics have suddenly started to disappear from a well-hid pyramid that has been guarded by Bedouins for generations, who claim to have spotted an unknown perpetrator.As a freelance archaeologist and expert on ancient explorations, you've been secretly called in to Egypt to help them solve the mystery.Arriving at the pyramid's entrance empty handed, your journey starts off by searching some well-known chambers for items and weapons to help you on your quest.But as you get deeper into the pyramid, you begin to realize that this mystery will require more than just a whip, a sharp mind and a good amount of explosives to unravel.CONTROLSUse a USB-joystick, or the following default KEYS:RUN - Cursor Left / RightJUMP - Cursor Up or ALTROLL - Cursor Down or CTRLWHIP - Space barMAP - Return or F1Alternatively, you can reconfigure the keys to your own liking on the OPTIONS screen.GAME FEATURES* Non-linear gameplay: Walk around and explore freely* Non-destructive gameplay: When failing, you don't restart from the beginning, but at the entrance of the current chamber* MAP OVERVIEW: Keep track of visited areas* INVENTORY OVERVIEW: Keep track of found weapons, items and relics* VARIETY IN GAMEPLAY: Run, roll, swim, slide, ride mine carts, etc* Real-time spatial sound processing: Hear the sound dynamically adapt to your surroundings, from large chambers to underwater swims 7aa9394dea Title: Traps N' GemstonesGenre: Action, Adventure, Casual, IndieDeveloper:Donut GamesPublisher:Donut GamesRelease Date: 16 Apr, 2015 Traps N' Gemstones Download For Pc [hack] traps n gemstones free download. traps n' gemstones pc. traps n gemstones secret chambers. traps n gemstones. traps n gemstones map. traps n' gemstones 1.04 apk. traps n gemstones review. traps n gemstones walkthrough. traps n gemstones gameplay. traps n gemstones apk download. traps n' gemstones ios. games like traps n gemstones. traps n gemstones apk. traps n gemstones trashbox. traps n gemstones relic guide. traps n gemstones secret rooms. traps n gemstones mod apk. traps n gemstones part 3. traps n gemstones complete map. traps n' gemstones download. traps n gemstones torch. traps n gemstones secret symbols. traps n gemstones 1 apk. descargar traps n gemstones apk. traps n gemstones part 4. traps n' gemstones 4pda. traps n' gemstones pc download. traps n' gemstones android. traps n gemstones apk mod You play as an Indiana Jones wannabe, complete with whip and gun, exploring underneath a pyramid. The people have been captured by some bad guy who stole all the relics. Jump, roll, and use weapon are your abilities. When you find a relic you have to take it to a pedestal and it opens up new areas, but there's no way to tell which relic is supposed to go on which pedestal so there's lots of backtracking and trial and error. The gems and coins you collect don't seem to do anything, just add to your score. You lose them when you die but other than that there's no penalty for dying, you can restart your progress in the same room. The good things is you don't lose any keys or special items when you die.The enemies always reappear in the same room even if you've killed them, so watch out. There are simple puzzles such as switches that need to be hit. Early on the enemies will die with one hit but later on they take more hits to die. There are mummies, spiders, bats, and other such creatures. You can't kill anything underwater so just avoid the jellyfish.There's no life meter--you die if hit once. But thankfully there is no fall damage, you can fall at any height.I've been playing for 2 hours and it says I'm 40% of the way through, so the game is probably pretty short, unless the later areas are tougher.Graphics are cute, cartoon, pixel style. Very colorful.Sound effects are okay, but I didn't hear any background music except for the opening screen.I like this game so far. It's fairly easy, and I find it fun to collect the gems and coins. People who like more difficult metroidvania games will probably be bored.UPDATE: I spoke too soon about it being a short game. I'm another hour or two in and only 49% now. Mostly I'm wandering around places I've already been trying to figure out how to open up new areas.. This is a fun, relaxing, exploration-based game. The fighting is minimal, but adds a bit of action to the mix.I finished it in just under 5 hours, but did not get all of the secrets or special symbols. I could probably spend another hour or two getting all the symbols. Some of them looked like a decent challenge.You pick up gems and coins along the way to increase your score. When you die, your score goes back to 0 and all the gems you picked up return to their position to be picked up again. I thought this was a was a bit odd. I guess the goal is to try for the highest score you can get without dying. It tracks and displays your highest score so far, but ultimately, the score means nothing. I still went out of my way to pick the coins up, and when I got close to a new high score, I tread carefully to try and get it higher. You always respawn on the screen you died on so you don't have to run back from a checkpoint or anything, but the whole game is built around lots of backtracking and exploring.I don't see any replayability, so $9.99 may be a bit high for 5-7 hours, but it was worth it to me.. The rewiev is following my first impressions and might not be the exact representation of the full game.Let me start by saying that this is a casual game.The game primarely focuses on platforming and puzzles. With some action elements mixed in. You have to navigate your way through an ancient pyramid defeating foes like snakes and mummies. The further you progress and the more you explore the more equipment you get. Meaning you can backtrack to certain areas that you couldn't access before.On the way you also collect ancient relics and as the name states gemstones. Which if you die you loose. Now if you're looking for a couple of hours of gulty pleasure it might be worth it. But I myself wouldn't recommend buying it on PC unless it is on sale. Especially when you can get games like Bastion for the same price.But the port is quite good. Doesnt seem to be missing in any key features atleast not for a 2D platformer.Would be great if there were separate volume sliders tho.If you'd like to pick this game up I recommend doing so on a mobile platform.I myself don't find it appealing... but as said if you are into casual gaming try picking it up.Couldnt make a video of the game becouse for some reason my capture software doesn't want to record it.Hope The Rewiev was helpful.. Ever wanted to play as Indiana Jones in a 2D platform game, exploring the maze inside a big pyramid looking for relics and other treasure? Look no further. This is a pleasurable little breath from the past, so to say. The graphics are well done. The sound department is too, if not a bit repetitive. The game feels responsive and I didn't experience any serious hiccups. I had some trouble mapping my gamepad to use the d-pad though (not sure it can be done), but the analogue stick worked well enough. Plenty of secrets to find, and items to collect. There are a variety of different tools you unlock underway. The user interface is obviously made for mobile play, but it wasn't any hindrance. All in all a thumbs up from me. Well worth the price, even if the game is somewhat short, at about 2-3 hours to finish the neccesary tasks. Trying to find all the secrets and items adds a little extra play time. The ending could've been made a little bit more interesting, but fair enough.. The rewiev is following my first impressions and might not be the exact representation of the full game.Let me start by saying that this is a casual game.The game primarely focuses on platforming and puzzles. With some action elements mixed in. You have to navigate your way through an ancient pyramid defeating foes like snakes and mummies. The further you progress and the more you explore the more equipment you get. Meaning you can backtrack to certain areas that you couldn't access before.On the way you also collect ancient relics and as the name states gemstones. Which if you die you loose. Now if you're looking for a couple of hours of gulty pleasure it might be worth it. But I myself wouldn't recommend buying it on PC unless it is on sale. Especially when you can get games like Bastion for the same price.But the port is quite good. Doesnt seem to be missing in any key features atleast not for a 2D platformer.Would be great if there were separate volume sliders tho.If you'd like to pick this game up I recommend doing so on a mobile platform.I myself don't find it appealing... but as said if you are into casual gaming try picking it up.Couldnt make a video of the game becouse for some reason my capture software doesn't want to record it.Hope The Rewiev was helpful.. A simple MetroidIGA, focusing more on exploration and very basic combat with no boss fights. Controls were relatively tight, though the minecart section felt a little off. Completing the game took ~2 hours, and I have no desire to 100% the game. That's not a bad thing, I just feel like I've seen all the game has to offer in those two hours.The achievement for liking the developer on Facebook seems very tacky.


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